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December 3

Saint of the day:

Prophet Zephaniah 

Prophet Zephaniah 's Story 

The best known Biblical figure bearing the name Zephaniah is the son of Cushi, and great-great grandson of King Hezekiah, ninth in the literary order of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He prophesied in the days of Josiah, ruler of the Kingdom of Judah (640–609 BCE), but before Josiah's reform in 621 BCE, and was contemporary with Jeremiah, with whom he had much in common. The unique source containing the minimal knowledge of his personality and rhetorical and literary qualities is the short, three chapter book of the Old Testament which bears his name. The scene of his activity was the city of Jerusalem, which he seems to know well. The existence of two Zephaniahs linked to the book is considered purely hypothetical.











Eggplant Soup 

“This is a winter version of an Israeli classic dish. Eggplant and tahini in a different way. Creamy eggplant soup served with whipped tahini cream." 


  • 1 white onion, peeled and sliced

  • Leeks (only the white part, thinly sliced)

  • 3 garlic cloves, sliced

  • 5 thyme branches, only leaves

  • 1 cup cooked white beans

  • 1 cup dry white wine

  • 3 roasted eggplants without skin

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 1/5 liters of water

  • Salt by taste 


  1. Heat a pot with oil and add the onion and leeks.

  2. Sprinkle a bit of salt and mix well. The leek and onion will begin to secrete fluids.

  3. Lower the fire and continue to steam the onions, stir often until all the liquid evaporates.

  4. Add the garlic, thyme, and steam for two more minutes.

  5. Add the white beans, stir well and then add white wine.

  6. Increase the fire and bring to a boil.

  7. Lower the fire and reduce the wine to a third of its original amount.

  8. Add the eggplants and water and increase the heat again to bring to a boil.

  9. Lower the fire and cook for about 25 minutes.

  10. Puree the soup well in the blender, add salt if needed.

  11. Serve hot with a bit of tahini.

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