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April 19


Saint of the day:
Saint Expeditus

Patron Saint of against procrastination,
of emergencies, expeditious solutions, merchants, navigators, programmers, and hackers revolutionaries

Saint Expeditus' Story

At one time there was much talk of a Saint Expeditus, and some good people were led to believe that, when there was need of haste, petitioning Saint Expeditus was likely to meet with prompt settlement. However, there is no adequate reason to think that any such saint was ever invoked in the early Christian centuries; in fact it is more than doubtful whether the saint ever existed. In the "Hieronymianum" the name Expeditus occurs among a group of martyrs both on the 18th and 19th of April, being assigned in the one case to Rome, and in the other to Melitene in Armenia; but there is no vestige of any tradition which would corroborate either mention, whereas there is much to suggest that in both lists the introduction of the name is merely a copyist's blunder. Hundreds of similar blunders have been quite definitely proved to exist in the same document.

There is also a story which pretends to explain the origin of this "devotion" by an incident of modern date. A packing case, we are told, containing a body of a saint from the catacombs, was sent to a community of nuns in Paris. The date of its dispatch was indicated by the use of the word "spedito", but the recipients mistook this for the name of the martyr and set to work with great energy to propagate his cult. From these simple beginnings, it is asserted, a devotion to St. Expeditus spread rapidly through many Catholic countries. It should be pointed out that though the recognition of St. Expeditus as the patron of dispatch depends beyond doubt upon a play upon words - still the particular story about the Paris nuns falls to pieces, because as far back as 1781 this supposed martyr, St. Expeditus, was chosen patron of the town of Acireale in Sicily, and because pictures of him were in existence in Germany in the eighteenth century which plainly depicted him as a saint to be invoked against procrastination.







A Novena to Saint Expeditus (for Urgent Cases)

Expeditus was a Roman centurion in Armenia who was martyred on April 19, 303, for converting to Christianity. When Expeditus decided to convert, the Devil took the form of a raven and tried to convince him to hold off until the next day. Expeditus declared, "I'll be a Christian today!" and stomped on the raven. For that reason, Saint Expeditus has long been considered the patron saint of, among others, procrastinators!

Icons of Saint Expeditus picture him with a cross with the word "Hodie" ("Today") in his right hand, while under his right foot, a raven says, "Cras" ("Tomorrow").

In this novena, we ask Saint Expeditus to intercede for us for all the graces that we need in our life, from the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, to the gift of final perseverance (to continue to believe and to hope through the moment of our death).

It is common, though not strictly necessary, to begin each day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus with the Act of Contrition.


First Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the first day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the gift of faith.

Prayers for the First Day

Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the lively faith which was granted you by God, I ask you to awaken the same faith in my heart, that I may also believe wholeheartedly that there is God, but most particularly that I may be saved from sinning against Him.

Second Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the second day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the gift of hope for ourselves and for those who have trouble believing.

Prayers for the Second Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the enviable hope given you by God, pray that those of little belief may be penetrated by some rays of hope so that they also receive eternal things; please pray that ardent hope in God be also given me and hold me steadfast in the midst of sufferings.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Third Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the third day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray that we might be freed from worldly cares so that we can love God more fully.

Prayers for the Third Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the endless love which Our Lord planted in your heart, please remove from mine all the shackles tied by worldliness, that without them I may love only God in all eternity.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Fourth Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the fourth day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the strength to carry the cross of our passions.

Prayers for the Fourth Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, who knew full well the teaching of the Divine Teacher to carry the cross and follow Him, ask Him for the graces I need that I may fight my own passions.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Fifth Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the fifth day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the grace of detachment.

Prayers for the Fifth Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the bountiful graces you received from Heaven that you may conserve all your virtues, grant also that I may get rid of all the feelings that block my way to Heaven.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Sixth Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the sixth day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for freedom from anger.

Prayers for the Sixth Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the sufferings and humiliations which you received for the love of God, grant me also this grace which is very pleasing to God and free me from anger and hardness of heart which is the stumbling block of my soul.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Seventh Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the seventh day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the grace to pray well.

Prayers for the Seventh Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, you know that prayer is the golden key that will open the Kingdom of Heaven, teach me to pray in a manner which is desirable to Our Lord and to His Heart, that I may live only for Him, that I may die only for Him, and that I may pray only to Him in all eternity.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Eighth Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the eighth day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for purity of heart.

Prayers for the Eighth Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the clean desires that reigned in all your feelings, words, and actions, please let them guide me also in my endless search for the glory of God and the good of my fellow men.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows

Ninth Day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus

On the ninth day of the Novena to Saint Expeditus, we pray for the grace of final perseverance.

Prayers for the Ninth Day

O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, who was so much loved by the Queen of Heaven, that to you nothing was denied, ask her, please my advocate, that through the sufferings of her Divine Son and her own sorrows, I may receive this day the grace I ask of you; but above all the grace to die first before I commit any mortal sin.

  • Three Our Fathers in honor of the Most Holy Trinity

  • Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • One Hail Mary in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows


By Scott P. Richert

Updated January 20, 2019



Since our Saint is famous at the island of Réunion one can honor him with some island favorites such as sugar, rum, vanilla and seafood! 
The Island is also known for it's Creole & Curry ("Carry")


Chicken Curry


Preparation Time : 30 minutes

Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Ingredients :

  • A whole chicken 1.2kgs

  • 2 medium sized onions

  • 4 cloves of garlic

  • 8 small tomatoes

  • 1 piece of ginger

  • 1 branch of thyme

  • ½  teaspoon of saffron (turmeric)

  • salt, pepper as much as desired

  • frying oil


Preparation of Chicken Curry:

  1. Cut the chicken into 8 to 10 pieces

  2. Dice onions and tomatoes

  3. Crush together salt, pepper, garlic and ginger

  4. Brown the pieces of chicken in oil at a very high temperature

  5. Once they are golden brown (actually, the fried chicken is already edible at this stage), add the onions. Keep mixing for one minute.

  6. Add the crushed mix, continue to stir for 2 more minutes

  7. Add tomatoes and thyme. Mix well for 2 more minutes

  8. Add the saffron (curcuma), add water about midway up and lower the flame just as soon as it starts to boil

  9. Let simmer on a medium flame for 15 minutes

       ​Serve with white rice and dry grains (kidney beans, lentils)

There should remain a sufficient amount of sauce without there being too much. Don't forget to take out the fat after cooking.

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