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March 27 

or September 24 Festival Season


Saint of the day:
Saint Rupert of Salzburg
"the Apostle of Bavaria"

Patron Saint of Austria, salt miners

Saint Rupert of Salzburg


Rupert lived in the eighth century during the time of Childebert III, King of the Franks. He was born of a noble family, and is said to have been pious and devout. His manner was upstanding and he was always truthful. He became Bishop of Worms and was well known for his piety. Many came from all over to speak with him and he became renown for his holiness. Soon, news of his reputation reached the ears of Duke Theodo II of Bavaria.

The duke felt Rupert could help revive Christianity in Bavaria. The people had become lukewarm, and many had fallen victim to the heresy of Arianism. Theodo II sent many messages to Rupert imploring him to come to Bavaria and finally Rupert agreed.

When Rupert arrived he was greeted with celebrations in his honor planned by Theodo. Rupert went about attending to his mission immediately. He traveled through the territory of the Danube to the borders of Lower Pannonia and Lorch. He later traveled to the shores of Wallersee. He had a church erected in honor of St. Peter on the shores of the Wallersee. Rupert later requested that the duke give him the territory of Juvavum to build a monastery and an episcopal see. The duke bequeathed two square miles of this territory, (which is now Salzburg) to Rupert.

In the area where St. Severin and his companions were martyred, Rupert erected the first church in Salzburg. It was named the Church of St. Peter. On the outskirts of town, in a high area, he established a convent of nuns which, like the monastery, he placed under the protection and rule of St. Benedict. He made his niece Erindruda abbess over the Benedictine Convent of Nonnberg and he and his companions formed the first congregation of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Peter at Salzburg which is there today.



Rupert lived for the next several years in this monastery and died there, according to some accounts, on Easter Sunday, March 27, 718.


Saint Rupert is also responsible for establishing the salt-mining industry in the city from which it is named, Salzburg. Because of his connection with this, he is often portrayed in Christian art holding a container of salt.



Dear Lord Jesus, Your holy bishop, Saint Rupert, built many sacred places and enabled many to learn about You and their faith through the nuns and monks that resided in these holy institutions. Through the intercession of Saint Rupert, we pray that we will build up the faith through our actions and love of others. Amen.

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St. Peter's Church Salzburg, Salzburg Stadt, Salzburg, Austria



Kaiserschmarrn is literally a meal fit for the kings! The name of the dish is ‘Kaiser’ meaning King and ‘Schmarrn’ meaning shred. The dish is basically fluffy shredded pancakes! The sweet dish if served as a dessert or even as a meal on its own. The pancakes are shredded into small pieces and topped with jams, sweet sauces, fruit compotes and caramelized dry fruits. The dish developed in the 19th century has since become a part of traditional Austrian food.




  • 2 eggs

  • 100 g flour

  • 200 ml of milk

  • 3 tbsp sugar

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • raisins if desired



  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk and place in a small mixing bowl.

  2. In another bowl, stir the egg yolks with the flour, sugar, milk and salt into a thick batter until smooth, until no more lumps can be seen.

  3. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

  4. Beat the egg whites very stiffly and fold them carefully into the dough.

  5. Heat the fat in a large pan. Carefully pour in the dough and let it set for 2-3 minutes. The underside should turn a nice golden brown. Sprinkle with raisins as desired. Turn the dough with the help of a spatula and bake until golden brown again.

  6. Carefully cut into bite-sized pieces with two forks.

  7. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of sugar and toss again so that the sugar can caramelize. Sprinkle the warm Kaiserschmarrn with powdered sugar and serve immediately.

  • Note: Vanilla ice cream or applesauce tastes good with it. 

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