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February 16

Saint of the day:

Saint Juliana of Cumae

Patron Saint of sickness

The Story of Saint Juliana of Cumae


Saint Juliana of Cumae (also known as Juliana of Nicomedia, died 305), virgin and martyr of the Church. Saint Juliana became widely venerated in Medieval times, with epic poems written about her battle and eventual victory over the Devil. Her Acts, recorded by the Venerable Saint Bede, and detailed in the Golden Legend, are thought to be Holy Legend, although like most Holy Legend, remain inspirational today.

Juliana was born in Cumae, Italy, the daughter of a pagan official named Africanus. Betrothed at a young age to a nobleman named Evilase, Juliana refused to marry until he first became the prefect of Nicomedia. While he was working to meet this demand—which he eventually did—Juliana converted to Christianity, and made a vow of chastity. She then insisted that Evilase convert as well prior to marriage. Of course, as a Roman prefect, this was not something he was able to do and maintain his position and status.



Juliana’s father, who himself despised Christians, beat and abused her in attempts to change her mind, but she would not relent, holding firm to her faith in Christ. Evilase, now well established as prefect, called Juliana before the tribunal, and denounced her as a Christian. As this was during the persecution of Christians under the order of Emperor Maximianus, there was little choice than to have her executed unless she would recant her faith. Of course, Juliana refused, finding her refuge in the Lord, and was subjected to horrible torture. 


From the poem, “Juliana,” written by the English poet Cynewulf, we learn that during this torture, the Devil, disguised as an angel from Heaven, appeared to her and suggested she give in to the torturer’s request:

“Then suddenly came into the prison the Enemy of mankind, skilled in evil; and he had the form of an angel. Wise was he in afflictions, this enemy of the soul, this captain of Hell, and unto the holy maid he said, “Why sufferest thou who art most dear and precious unto the King of glory, our God ? This judge hath prepared for thee the worst tortures, torment without end, if thou wilt not prudently sacrifice and make propitiation unto his gods. Be thou in haste when he bids thee be led outward hence, that thou make a sacrifice, an offering of victory, before that death come upon thee, death in the presence of the warriors. In this wise shalt thou survive the anger of this judge, O blessed maid!””



Juliana is not to be fooled by the snares of the Devil, and prays to the Lord for guidance. In return, she receives a message from God:

“Then unto her spake a glorious voice from the clouds and uttered this word: “Do thou seize this vile one and hold him fast, till that he rightly declare unto thee his purpose, even from the beginning what his kinship may be.” And the heart of the glorious maid was glad; and she seized upon that devil.”



Juliana captures the Devil, holding fast to him, and forces him to recount his sinfulness.  As he recounts a very long list of deceit and trickery,  Juliana is dragged before the tribunal.  She drags the Devil with her—he, all the while, pleading for freedom: 

“I entreat thee, gracious Juliana, by the grace of God, that thou work upon me no further insult or reproach before men than thou hast already done, when thou overcamest the wisest in the prison shades, the king of the dwellers in Hell, in the city of fiends, who is our father, the lord of death. Behold thou hast afflicted me with painful blows, and in truth I know that, before or since, never did I meet in the kingdoms of the world a woman like unto thee, of more courageous heart, or more perverse, of all the race of women. Clear is it to me that thou wouldst be in all things unashamed in thy wise heart.”



Juliana let the Devil go, and he embarrassedly returned to Hell. Juliana, for her part, bravely met her executioner. Per her Acts, she was first partially burnt in flames, then plunged into a pot of boiling oil, and finally beheaded. 

While Saint Juliana was martyred in Nicomedia, her relics were translated to Cumae, the place of her birth, where they were first enshrined. In the thirteenth century, her relics were again translated, this time to Naples, Italy, where they are venerated today.



Lord God, 
You gave St. Juliana the crown of
eternal joy because she gave her life
rather than renounce the virginity she
had promised in witness to Christ.
Encouraged by her generosity, help us to
rise out of the bondage of our earthly
desires and attain to the glory of your
kingdom. Grant this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.
One God, for ever and ever.





Delizie al Limone

The lemon delights are delicious single- serve sweets , traditional of the Sorrento peninsula that are prepared on special occasions such as weddings and other ceremonies. They have a soft base of sponge cake , filled with cream and covered with a sweet lemon icing . 

The lemon treats are delicious sweets , which contain all the scents and flavors of theSorrento peninsula : the pastry chef Carmine Marzuillo he prepared for the first time in 1978, during a culinary competition, and immediately became a bell pastry symbol, together with the classic babà and the caprese cake . 

These tasty single-portion sweets , made with sponge cake , are filled with cream and covered with a lemon icing. The preparation of this recipe requires a good familiarity in the kitchen, especially for the preparation of creams and cupolas of sponge cake . Keep in mind that they require a rest time of 7-8 hours in the refrigerator. 

• 2 egg yolks
• 40 g of sugar
• 40 g of lemon juice
• the grated rind of 1 lemon
• 40 g of butter

• 30 g of water

• 30 g of sugar

• 50 g of limoncello

• the grated peel of ½ lemon


• 200 g of custard

• ½ dose of lemon cream (about 100 g)

• 30 g of limoncello

• 30 g of whipped cream



• 200 g of custard

• ½ lemon cream dose (about 100 g)

• 80 g of whipped cream

• 30 g of milk


  1. To prepare the lemon delights, start from the dough for sponge cake following the basic recipe. Fill up to ½ cm under the rim, 8 aluminum molds previously buttered and floured (if you use a silicone mold you do not need to grease and flour). Bake at 170 degrees for 15 minutes. Let it cool, extract the cup of sponge cake and place it on a plate. Cover with food film and proceed with the other preparations. 

  2. Prepare the lemon cream now. Grate the lemon peel and in a bowl and cover with the juice. Leave in infusion for 5-10 minutes. Separately, work the egg yolks with the sugar until frothy, add the lemon infusion and heat on the fire, being careful not to get to the boil and stirring constantly. 

  3. Let it cool and add the diced butter. Refined the cream with an immersion mixer and then cover with food film and store in the refrigerator. Prepare the custard following the basic recipe. Pour into a bowl and cover with food contact film until cool. Place the cream in the fridge.  

  4. Proceed with the preparation of the limoncello bagna by boiling the water with the sugar and lemon peel. Remove from the heat and mix the limoncello. Keep aside until cool.

  5. Now go to fill the cupolas of sponge cake: make an incision on the flat bottom of the cupolas of sponge cake and gently empty them. In a bowl pour half the lemon cream and half the custard, then add 30 grams of whipped cream and limoncello. Mix well and gently fill the cupolas. Plug the bottom of the delights with the sponge cake that you have removed from the emptying.

  6. Turn the delights and pierce them with a toothpick in several places, with the help of a brush soak them with the lemon wets and put aside. In another bowl, prepare the covering glaze by mixing together the other half of the lemon cream and the custard, 80 grams of whipped cream and 30 grams of milk.

  7. Place the lemon delicacies on a serving dish and cover with plenty of frosting. Place the dish in the fridge and let it rest for at least 8-10 hours before serving. Complete the presentation with a sprig of whipped cream or with some lemon peel.

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